However, despite these reports the UK sex abuse trafficking market has been reported to have doubled this year alone regarding sexual exploitation. Regardless of whether they were being transported out of the UK, an estimated 56 minors were highlighted as potential victims of trafficking for sexual abuse.
In reality, a large majority of individuals do not fall under the categorization of free citizens. Slavery may be legally abolished, however the keystones of humanity continue to encompass people who are under non- negotiable rules of livelihood, such as sexual violation and forced drug-use leading to addiction.
Human trafficking is the trade of humans which generates quick and easy money. The people most commonly involved are women who are used for purposes of sexual slavery, forced slavery or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficking of others. It can occur within one country or transport between different nations. It does not always involve involuntary transportation of a person, but is based more upon exploitation like sexual abuse.
An estimated $650 billion alone was made annually on trafficking in 2010, and statistics have shown that human trafficking and personal sexual abuse rates are on the rise. In order to raise awareness of the ongoing problems about human trafficking, neo-horror films like The Seasoning House, produced by Michael Riley have been broadcast. The YouTube trailer by Michael Riley can be seen below:
The director Paul Hyett stated that the extreme story line and visual content acted as a device to remind the public of the ongoing reality of human trafficking. It was not just another violent movie with no meaning behind the narration, but rather something that radiated an interesting emotional study. The characters became someone to whom you could empathize with and remember the sexual struggles being encountered by those in less fortunate circumstances such as war, and remember that these state of affairs are still ingrained into the modern world.
The reason violence predominates classic and mainstream movies is because violence is easier to write about than comedy and straight drama, because it consists of killings and chase scenes, and also violence is easier to watch – you do not have to think in-depth and you only have to gaze at the screen.
Human trafficking and sexual abuse rates are on the rise, but traffickers have established such a strong network throughout the world that universally, police are finding it extremely difficult to curb and terminate these activities. Human exchange is extremely inhumane and goes against all human rights principles, and human trafficking of both women and children is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, despite the overall 134 laws in different countries trying to prevent it from happening. People need to be aware that human trafficking is on the rise and that further concrete action needs to be instigated in order to put an end to the violation of the flesh and human rights.
By Melissa McDonald
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